It's been a busy couple of months for the Irish Perioperative Medicine Society committee. Here are some highlights, and dates for your diary...

May brings with it a new Social Media Editor (#SoMe) for the official IPOMS twitter account. Thank you to last month's #SoMe Editor, Aoife Lavelle who did a fantastic job! This month's IPOMS account has been taken over by Pádraig Ó Scanaill. Following on from previous months, Pádraig will highlight, via twitter, any new papers, topics or discussions of interest to all interested in perioperative medicine

The month of May has brought the #CAICongress22 Annual Congress of Anaesthesiology, hosted virtually by the College of Anaesthesiology which was held on the 19th and 20th of May. A Perioperative Medicine Plenary Session was chaired by IPOMS committee member Dr Andrea Haren, which included a fantastic all-female line up of speakers including Centre of Perioperative Care (CPOC) Deputy Director and Clinical Lead for the Perioperative medicine for Older People undergoing Surgery (POPS) service in Guy's and St. Thomas's Hospital in London Dr Jugdeep Dhesi, Upper GI and General Surgical Consultant at the Mater Misericordiae University Hospital, Ms Orla McCormack, Clinical Exercise Physiologist at Ex-Well Medical with a specialist interest in cancer and prehabilitation Dr Lisa Loughney and Ireland's first Perioperative Medicine Fellow at Saint Vincent's University Hospital Dr Amy Donnelly.
The remaining IPOMS Committee members contributed to a range of #CAICongress22

activities, including the Irish Society of Regional Anaesthesia (ISRA) Ultrasound Workshops, Total Intravenous Anaesthesia (TIVA) workshops as well as being invited speakers to the Congress itself, including committee members Dr Kim Caulfield and Dr Aislinn Sherwinn

The Irish Perioperative Medicine Society has recently formalised links with the Centre of Perioperative Care (CPOC) in the UK as a member of the CPOC Advisory Group. This exciting venture will further solidify the movement of Perioperative Medicine both on the Island of Ireland and with international partners further afield! Keep an eye out on our social media and website for more details!

The Virtual Journal Club Series continues on the 24th of May at 18:00 which is approved for one External CPD point from the College of Anaesthesiology of Ireland. Join us for an interesting discussion regarding Perioperative Brain Health - depth of anaesthesia and post-operative delirium after major surgery. It will certainly be an interesting session - make sure you join us on Tuesday the 24th May at 6pm!